Other names / Alternative spellings Social groups (status, family, lineage...)
Period of activity
Reign of Khri 'Dus srong mang po rje?
Regency of 'Bro za Khri ma lod khri steng
VIIth century?
VIIIth century?
Biographical data
The zhang rGyal tsan (ms. ITJ 1368 l. 15) was a contemporary of Khri bangs** (ms. ITJ 1368 l. 12, 24) in Monkey year [708?].
zhang (ms. ITJ 1368 l. 15)
Transl. of ms. ITJ 1368 in Thomas 1951 p. 11
*Possibly mChims or 'Bro, according to the context of the early VIIIth c.. Note that a 'Bro rGyal mtshan seng ge is mentioned by dPa' bo gtsug lag 'phreng ba in a list that may, however, refer to the early reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan (but is placed by the author in the time of Srong btsan sgam po). The same character's name is given as 'Bro rGyal seng ge in other sources (as a ru lag dmag dpon in Blon po bka' thang IV, a ru pa'i dpon po in mKhas pa lde'u 2010 ed p. 246-248).
**Sent as a bride to the 'A zha king in 689, received the Chinese princess Jincheng on her way to Tibet in 710.