Other names / Alternative spellings
Social groups (status, family, lineage...)
Nem ?
Period of activity
IXth century ?
Reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan ?
Reign of Mu ne brtsan ?
Reign of Khri lDe srong brtsan ?
Reign of 'U 'i dum brtan ?
Biographical data
Nem dGa' ldan byang chub, Wang Shes rab zla ba, 'Dan ma Kun dga' dpal, and others were the slob dpon of the mDo gams religious centre (chos grva, ms. ITJ 689 l. 2v5-6)
slob dpon (ms. ITJ 689 l. 2v5-6)
On ms. ITJ 689 see Karmay 2007 p. 76-80.