Other names / Alternative spellings
Social groups (status, family, lineage...)
Cog ro family
Period of activity
VIIIth century ?
IXth century ?
Reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan ?
Reign of Mu ne brtsan ?
Reign of Khri lDe srong brtsan ?
Reign of Khri gTsug lde brtsan ?
Reign of 'U 'i dum brtan ?
Biographical data
Cog ro gTsug legs had lands [in the Hexi corridor (near Dunhuang ?),] neighbouring the lands of 'Bring yas sTag sku and rGya legs (ms. BD 9642 l. 26-28).
For an analysis and translation of ms. BD 9642 see Iwao 2016.
(Another ?) gTsug legs is also mentioned as a reviser in ms. PT 1423 and a copyist in ms. PT 1437. (see Lalou 1939-1961 doc. 1423 and 1437).
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