Social groups

'A zha (2) 'Ba' (1) 'Bal (6) 'Ber (3) 'Bre (2) 'Bring yas (9) 'Bro (33) 'Brom (6) 'Bu na (1) 'Da'r (1) 'Dan ma (1) 'Dral (2) 'Go (1) 'Go 'bom (5) 'Gong bom (3) 'Greng ro (6) 'Jang (4) 'O ma lde (4) 'Ol (2) 'Ol god (1) 'Phan (2) An (10) Bal po (4) Bam (10) ban de (15) bKrags (2) blon (119) blon chen (37) bon po (1) Brag (2) Bran ka (3) brung pa (6) btsan mo (6) btsun mo (17) Byin (1) Ce (1) Cog ro (35) Da rgyal (4) Dags (6) dBa's (25) dBrad (2) De'u (1) dGro (2) dGro snya (4) dre (1) Dru gu (4) gcen (3) gcung (4) Gle'u (1) gNang (3) gNo' (3) gNubs (12) gnyan (1) gNyi ba (5) gNyos (2) Gro (4) gshen (3) gTom (1) Gu rib (4) gZhams (3) je ba (2) Je'u (3) Jeng (2) Kam (4) Khang (5) Khe rgad (1) Khu (8) Khyung po (6) klu (1) Kvag (1) Lang gro (6) lCi sa (2) lCog la (1) lDe sman (4) lDe'u (2) lha (14) lHa lung (1) lHo (4) Li (1) Lig (2) Mar (1) Mar kong (1) mChims (18) Meg le (4) mGar (13) mGos (2) mkhan po (13) mKhar pa (1) mNon (5) mNyan (3) Mon (1) Mong (3) mThon myi (2) Myang (17) Myva (4) Nem (1) Ngan lam (4) Ning (1) Pa gor (2) Pa tsab (5) pho nya (16) Pho yong (1) Phung (1) phyva (1) Reb kong (4) rGya gar (11) rGya nag (15) rgyal pran (23) rHya (2) Rlang (20) rMa (2) rMe'u (2) rNgegs (9) Rong spo (4) rTsig (1) Ru yong (2) Rye shin (1) Sag (1) sBrang (3) Seng go (6) She'u (2) Shud ke (1) Shud pu (4) sKa ba (2) sKya tsa (7) sKyi (3) sman (1) sNa nam (13) sNya shur (5) sPu rgyal btsan po (43) sPug (4) srin (14) Sro (1) stag (4) sTang (3) Sum pa (2) Tre (2) Tshar long (7) Tshes pong (14) Wang (1) Yo gang (5) Zha snga (3) zhang (38) zhu chen (6)

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

dBa's Mang po rje pu tshab

Other names / Alternative spellings 

dBa's Pu tshab (ms. PT 1287 l. 174, 178) 

Mang po rje pu tshab (ms. PT 1287 l. 195-196, 297) 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

dBa's family 

Period of activity 

VIth century ? 

VIIth century 

Biographical data 

dBa's Mang po rje pu tshab and dBa's Mang po rje myes snang were dBa's Phangs to re dbyi tshab's nephews (tsha bo, ms. PT 1287 l. 195-196, 296-298), they were thus possibly sons of his younger brother dBa's shos to re khru gu

dBa's Mang po rje pu tshab and dBa's Mang po rje myes snang joined the oath of fealty sworn to Slon mtshan and Slon kol (ms. PT 1287 l. 173-174, 177-178). 

After gNam ri slon mtshan's victory over dGu gri zing po rje, dBa's Mang po rje pu tshab and dBa's Mang po rje myes snang were promoted as dku' rgyal (ms. PT 1287 l. 195-196). 

dBa's Mang po rje pu tshab and dBa's Mang po rje myes snang were bound by the oath of fealty sworn by dBa's Phangs to re dbyi tshab to Srong brtsan sgam po (ms. PT 1287 l. 247-298). 



Tsha bo could be understood either as grandson (transl. Bacot Toussaint Thomas 1946 p. 147) or as nephew (transl. Bacot Toussaint Thomas 1946 p. 139). The latter seems more likely in the context of the first mention of dBa's Pu tshab and dBa's Myes snang (i.e. death of dBa's dByi tshab's brother and absence of his sons).

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