Social groups

'A zha (2) 'Ba' (1) 'Bal (6) 'Ber (3) 'Bre (2) 'Bring yas (9) 'Bro (33) 'Brom (6) 'Bu na (1) 'Da'r (1) 'Dan ma (1) 'Dral (2) 'Go (1) 'Go 'bom (5) 'Gong bom (3) 'Greng ro (6) 'Jang (4) 'O ma lde (4) 'Ol (2) 'Ol god (1) 'Phan (2) An (10) Bal po (4) Bam (10) ban de (15) bKrags (2) blon (115) blon chen (37) bon po (1) Brag (2) Bran ka (3) btsan mo (6) btsun mo (17) Byin (1) Ce (1) Cog ro (34) Da rgyal (4) Dags (6) dBa's (25) dBrad (2) De'u (1) dGro (2) dGro snya (4) dre (1) Dru gu (4) gcen (3) gcung (4) Gle'u (1) gNang (3) gNo' (3) gNubs (12) gnyan (1) gNyi ba (5) gNyos (2) Gro (4) gshen (3) gTom (1) Gu rib (4) gZhams (3) je ba (2) Je'u (2) Jeng (2) Kam (3) Khang (5) Khe rgad (1) Khu (8) Khyung po (6) klu (1) Kvag (1) Lang gro (6) lCi sa (2) lCog la (1) lDe sman (4) lDe'u (2) lha (14) lHa lung (1) lHo (4) Lig (2) Mar (1) Mar kong (1) mChims (18) Meg le (4) mGar (13) mGos (2) mkhan po (13) mKhar pa (1) mNon (5) mNyan (3) Mon (1) Mong (3) mThon myi (2) Myang (17) Myva (4) Nem (1) Ngan lam (4) Ning (1) Pa gor (2) Pa tsab (5) pho nya (13) Pho yong (1) Phung (1) phyva (1) Reb kong (4) rGya gar (11) rGya nag (12) rgyal pran (23) rHya (2) Rlang (20) rMa (2) rMe'u (2) rNgegs (8) Rong spo (4) rTsig (1) Ru yong (2) Rye shin (1) Sag (1) sBrang (3) Seng go (6) She'u (2) Shud ke (1) Shud pu (4) sKa ba (2) sKya tsa (7) sKyi (3) sman (1) sNa nam (13) sNya shur (5) sPu rgyal btsan po (43) sPug (4) srin (14) Sro (1) stag (4) sTang (3) Sum pa (2) Tre (2) Tshar long (7) Tshes pong (14) Wang (1) Yo gang (5) Zha snga (3) zhang (38) zhu chen (6)

Friday 2 October 2020

Khang Dar tse

Other names / Alternative spellings
Khang Dar tshe (ms. PT 1162 l. 6)
Khang Dar tse (ms. PT 1600
Social groups (status, family, lineage...)

Period of activity
IXth century?
Reign of Khri gTsug lde brtsan?
Biographical data
In an Ox year (c. 833?*) Khang Dar tshe was a contemporary of So Kun Kun (PT 1162 l. 1, 7), So zhe, Sag 'Bun do**, and Song lug (PT 1162 l. 1, 7)
See Lalou 1939-1961 doc. 1162, 1600, I was unable to find the "Khang Dar rtse" mentioned in doc. n° 1813

See Takeuchi 1995 text n°37 (=ms. PT 1162)
mention Khang Dar tse in ms.  PT 1600

Source: Gallica

* See Takeuchi 1995 p. 12
**Sag 'Bun do was a contemporary of dPal gyi ngang tshul and Gu rib Khrom pa (ms. PT 1662).

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Khang sTag rma

Other names / Alternative spellings

Social groups (status, family, lineage...)


Period of activity

IXth century?

Reign of Khri gTsug lde brtsan?

Reign of 'U 'i dum brtan?

Biographical data

Khang sTag rma was a copyist and a contemporary of the revisers Ji sun, Dam zhen*, Leng ce'u**, Phug 'gi***, Je'u dge brtan, and Kvag rGyal mtsan**** (ms. PT 1324 f. 319b)



See Lalou 1939-1961 doc. n° 1324

See also, sTag rma, a copyist (ms. PT 1959).

See also blon sTag rma (?), a copyist contemporary of Shen cin, a reviser (ms. PT 1510), and a reviser (ms. PT 1620).

Not to be confused with Im sTag rma (ms. PT 1631)

* Dam zhen phab according to Lalou 1939-11961 doc n° 1324

**A contemporary of gNyos Ye shes and De'u Kong tse

*** Phug 'gi, an contemporary of dPal gyi ngang tshul, De'u Kong tse, gNyos Ye shes, Bam dPal 'dus

****or Kvag Hral mtsan according to Lalou 1939-1961 doc. n° 1324

Wednesday 16 September 2020

An sTag chung

Other names / Alternative spellings

Social groups (status, family, lineage...)


Period of activity

VIIIth century?

IXth century?

Reign of Khri lDe srong brtsan?

Reign of Khri gTsug lde brtsan?

Biographical data

An sTag chung was a copyist (ms. PT 1345, PT 1425 f. 267b, 294a) and a contemporary of the revisers Zhi mchog*, Yon tan**, and Dze cin (ms. PT 1425 f. 267b, 294a).



See Lalou 1939-1961 doc. n° 1345, 1425

Not to be confused with Khra sTag chung (or Khu sTag chung? ms. Or. 15000/490)

Not to be confused with Do sTag chung a copyist (ms. PT 507, PT 1382 f. 175b, PT 1394 f44a, f49b, PT 1399 f.56b, PT 1400 f. 63b, 70b, PT 1401 f. 70b) a contemporary of the revisers Hve gog, dGe brtan, Byang chub, and Tshe'i cin (PT 1382 f. 175b), and of the revisers sTag zigs Zhi mchog 'Go 'go, and 'Jam dpal PT 1394 f44a, f49b, PT 1399 f.56b, PT 1400 f. 63b, 70b , PT 1401 f. 70b).

Not  to be confused with 'Go sTag Chung, a copyist (ms. PT 1349).

See also sTag cung :

- a reviser and a contemporary of the copyist 'Go se'u han, (ms. PT 1349)

- a reviser and a contemporary of the copyists sTag legs, and Ke'u sTag cung (ms. PT 1374 f. 278b, 294b),

- a copyist and a contemporary of the revisers Dag mchog, Hve gog, dGe brtan, and Dze cin (ms. PT 1452)

*Zhi mchog, a contemporary of the great reviser 'Jams dpal

**see Bran ka Yon tan?

Friday 11 September 2020

Khang bTsan bzher

Other names / Alternative spellings

Social groups (status, family, lineage...)

Khang (康? family of Sogdian origin?)

Period of activity

IXth century?*

Reign of Khri gTsug lde brtsan?

Reign of 'U 'i dum brtan?

Biographical data

Khang bTsan bzher was a copyist and a contemporary of: Bun shu, Dam tsong*, Dam zhen, and dPal gyi 'od ldan, revisers (ms. PT 1429 f. 333b).



See Lalou 1939-1961 doc. 1429

*Dam tshong, Bun shu mentioned in Dotson 2013-2014 [2015] p. 29, 53.

Friday 7 February 2020

blon rMa bzher

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Reign of Mu ne brtsan

Reign of Khri lDe srong brtsan

Biographical data 

The (nang rje po) blon rMa bzher was a contemporary of : 

- (nang rje po) blon rMa sgra (ms. PT 1077 l. 108-109 - c. Hare year [799? 811?]* -, PT 1169 recto

- blon mTsho bzher (ms. PT 1077 l. 108-109, PT 1180 recto), 

- blon bTsan bzher ( ms. PT 1845 verso)**, 

- sTag rton (ms. PT 1180 recto

- g.Yu gong (ms. PT 1845 verso)*** 

- gSas legs (ms. PT 1845 verso), 

- blon dGe bzang (ms. PT 2204c l. 1

- Legs sgra zla brtsan (ms. PT 2204c l. 15). 


nang rje pho blon (ms. PT 1180 recto

nang rje po blon (ms. PT 1649.2 verso, PT 1653 verso, PT 1845 verso

nang rje po chen po blon (ms. Or 15000/529 l. 1) 

blon (ms. PT 1077 l. 108-109, PT 1169 recto, PT 2204c l. 1). 


See also "rma bzher" in ms. Or. 8212/ 1888 l. 2, (Takeuchi 1997-1998 doc. 343). 

See Or 15000/529 in Takeuchi 1997-1998, doc n° 648 

* Ms. PT 1077 Hare year 799 or 811 according to Liu 2019 p. 108. 

** See dBa's bTsan bzher mdo lod (in activity during the reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan), Cog ro blon bTsan bzher lho gong (active c. 820), or yet another blon bTsan bzher? 

*** See 'Bro g.Yu gong (reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan?), Rongspo g.Yu gong (reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan?) or yet another g.Yu gong? 

Mentions of blon rMa bzher in ms. PT 1077 
Source: Gallica

Mention of nang rje po blon rMag bzher in ms. PT 1653
Source: Gallica

Thursday 6 February 2020

She'u lHa sbyin

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 


Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Biographical data 

She'u lHa sbyin (PT 2204c l. 20), was a contemporary of blon rMa bzher (ms. PT 2204c l.1), blon dGe bzang (ms. PT 2204c l. 2), Do brTan kong (ms. PT 2204c l. 4, 12-13), Legs sgra zla brtsan (ms. PT 2204c l. 15)... 



See also lHa sbyin, the Tibetan translation of Sanskrit Devadatta (as in ms. PT 956 l. 1).

Not to be confused with Do lHa sbyin (ms. PC 3243 verso = ms. PT 2204A), a copyist (ms. PT 1532, PT 1588). 

See also lHa sbyin, a reviser and a contemporary of : the copyist Leng ho shing ce, and the two revisers 'veng yir and Ling ce'u (ms. PT 1413 f. 100 recto). 

See also lHa sbyin, a contemporary of ban 'de Cin Ayir (ms. PT 2123).


Wednesday 5 February 2020

nang rje po blon stag Mang rtsan

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

stag (?) 

Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth vcentury? 

Biographical data 

The nang rje po blon stag Mang rtsan was a contemporary of the ban de Shen 'do (ms. PT 919 verso). 


nang rje po blon (ms. PT 919 verso


Likely not the same as the blon Mang rtsan 'phan gang / Mang rtsan 'pan gang, active in mDo smad c. 755-757, mentioned by The Old Tibetan (ms. PT Or. 8212.87 l. 14-28). 


Monday 3 February 2020

mChims sMon khri

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

mChims family 

Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Biographical data 

mChims sMon khri was a contemporary of blon Stag sum rje (ms. PT 1374 f. 375b l. 11). 



See Lalou 1939-1961 doc. n° 1374 


nang rje po blon sTag sum rje

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Biographical data 

Blon Stag sum rje was a contemporary of mChims sMon khri (ms. PT 1374 f. 375b l. 11). 


nang rje po (ms. PT 1153, PT 2142

blon (ms. PT 1153, PT 1374 l. 11, PT 2142


See also 'Dral sTag [sum] rje klu dpal

See Lalou 1939-1961 doc. n° 1153, 1374, 2142 

Nang rje po blon sTag sum rje in ms. PT 1153
source: Gallica 

Friday 31 January 2020

Legs sgra zla brtsan

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

pho nya (emissary) 

Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Biographical data 

Legs sgra zla brtsan was an emissary in Sha cu (PT 2204c l. 15). 


pho nya (PT 2204c l. 15


Ms. PT 2204c l. 13-15-16
source: Gallica 

Wednesday 29 January 2020

nang rje po gSas legs

Other names / Alternative spellings 

'Phan gsas legs (ms. PT 1546)?

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 


Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Biographical data 

gSas legs was a contemporary of the nang rje po blon rMa bzher, the blon bTsan bzher*, g.Yu gong** (ms. PT 1845 verso) and Klu sras (ms. Or. 15000/240 v.1). 

The nang rje po gSas legs was a contemporary of gTshug la thor*** (ms. PT 1549). 


nang rje po (ms. PT 1549


Possibly several characters named "gSas legs".

On ms. Or. 15000/240, see Takeuchi 1997-1998 doc. n° 306v1

*See dBa's bTsan bzher mdo lod (in activity during the reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan) Cog ro blon bTsan bzher lho gong (active c. 820) or yet another blon bTsan bzher? 

**See 'Bro g.Yu gong (reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan?), Rongspo g.Yu gong (reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan?) or yet another g.Yu gong?

***See Reb kong gTsug la tor ? (IXth century?)

'Phan gSas Legs in ms. PT 1546

Source: Gallica

Wednesday 15 January 2020

nang rje po blon mDo bzang

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Reign of Khri Srong lde brtsan?* 

Biographical data 

The blon mDo bzang was a contemporary of a blon brTsan ba in an Ox year (ms. Or. 15000/481 l. v1), a blon bTsan bzher**, a blon sTag bzher... (ms. Or. 15000/481 l. v6). 

The nang rje po blon mDo bzang was a contemporary of a blon rGyal sgra** (ms. PT 1880 verso).  


blon (ms. PT 1180, PT 1880 verso, Or. 15000/481 l. v1) 

nang rje po (ms. PT 1880 verso


On ms. Or. 15000/481 see Takeuchi 1997-1998 doc. n° 597. 

Mention of a blon mDo bzang in ms. PT 1180
Source: Gallica 

*A blon mDo bzang is mentioned in the time of Khri Srong lde brtsan in Chos 'byung mkhas pa'i dga' ston (see dPa' bo gtsug lag 'phreng ba 2003 ed. vol. 1 p. 372-373). 

**Interestingly, a blon bTsan bzher mdo lod, and a blon rGyal sgra legs gzigs are also mentioned in Chos 'byung mkhas pa'i dga' ston (see dPa' bo gtsug lag 'phreng ba 2003 ed. vol. 1 p. 372-373). Another blon bTsan bzher, e.g. Cog ro blon bTsan bzher lho gong, is attested c. 820 (inscr. peace treaty l. n28-n29). 

Tuesday 14 January 2020

nang rje po stag Khri sgra

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...)

stag (?) 

Period of activity 

VIIIth century? 

IXth century? 

Biographical data 

The nang rje po stag Khri sgra was a contemporary of a zhang Khri sum rje* (ms. PT 1127). 


nang rje po (ms. PT 1127) 


See also blon Khri sgra / Khri sgra stag tshab / Khri sgra sdagtsab...? (active c. Sheep year [755]-Hare year [763], ms. Or. 8212.187 l. 14, 34, 37, 40, 48, 57, 63, 78).

Mention of nang rje po sTag Khri sgra in ms. PT 1127
Source: Gallica 


Monday 13 January 2020

gNubs lha mThon drug

Other names / Alternative spellings 
Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 
lha (deity) 
Period of activity 
Biographical data 
[The fiend] gNubs srin rKang pran threatened gNubs rje Sribs pa, and Rong po lDe khar was invited [to perform ransom rites], gNubs lha mThon drug was invoked... (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r300-303) 
lha (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r303) 
Ms. ITJ 734 transl. in Thomas 1957 p. 77-95, see also Samten G. Karmay's article "Concepts of Territorial Organisation and their Transformation into Buddhist Sacred Sites" p. 37-38 (in Karmay 2005). 

Thursday 9 January 2020

gNubs srin rKang pran

Other names / Alternative spellings 

rKang pran (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r301) 

gNubs srin rkang pran (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r302) 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

srin ("fiend") 

Period of activity 


Biographical data 

gNubs srin rKang pran threatened gNubs rje Sribs pa, and Rong po lDe khar was invited [to perform ransom rites], gNubs lha mThon drug was invoked... (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r300-303) 


srin (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r301, 7r302) 


Not to be confused with the lord Gu ge rKang phran (see ms. PT 1136). 

Ms. ITJ 734 transl. in Thomas 1957 p. 77-95, see also Samten G. Karmay's article "Concepts of Territorial Organisation and their Transformation into Buddhist Sacred Sites" p. 37-38 (in Karmay 2005). 

Wednesday 8 January 2020

dBye srin Yug mo

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

srin ("fiend") 

Period of activity 


Biographical data 

dBye srin Yug mo threatened dBye rje Khar ba, and dBye gshen Kar bu ljon pyug was invited [to perform ransom rites], dBye bla sPyi gang was invoked... (ms. ITJ 734 l. 8r325-328). 


srin (ms. ITJ 734 l. 8r325, 8r328) 


Ms. ITJ 734 transl. in Thomas 1957 p. 94, see also Samten G. Karmay's article "Concepts of Territorial Organisation and their Transformation into Buddhist Sacred Sites" p. 39 (in Karmay 2005).

rTsang srin Pod de

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Po da (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r293) 

Pod de (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r297, 7r299) 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

srin ("fiend") 

Period of activity 


Biographical data 

rTsang srin Pod de threatened rTsang rje pva 'a, and rTsang shen sNyal ngag was invited [to perform ransom rites], rTsang lha Pu dar was invoked... (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r293-300).


srin (ms. ITJ 734 l. 7r293, 7r297, 7r299) 


Ms. ITJ 734 transl. in Thomas 1957 p. 93, see also Samten G. Karmay's article "Concepts of Territorial Organisation and their Transformation into Buddhist Sacred Sites" p. 37 (in Karmay 2005). 


Yar srin Pa sna ring po

Other names / Alternative spellings 

Social groups (status, family, lineage...) 

srin ("fiend") 

Period of activity 


Biographical data 

Yar srin pa sna ring po threatened 'O lde spu rgyal, and lDe gshen rmun bu was invited [to perform the ransom rites], Yar lha sham po was invoked... (ms. ITJ 734 l. 8r321-324) 


srin (ms. ITJ 734 l. 8r322) 


Ms. ITJ 734 transl. in Thomas 1957 p. 77-95, see also Samten G. Karmay's article "Concepts of Territorial Organisation and their Transformation into Buddhist Sacred Sites" p. 38-39 (in Karmay 2005).